• As NURLOG, we have chosen to create the firsts in the cleaning materials sector that we produce as our target, and by putting our creative ideas that we will create together into a certain discipline and system, we have chosen the Total Quality Philosophy as a target in order to ensure the continuity for our future.
  • Under the leadership of NURLOG senior management, in obtaining quality products and services, with the awareness that Quality, Environment and Food Safety issues are an integral whole;
  • To meet all requests, needs and expectations of our customers by accepting them as the focal point,
  • To increase our product range without departing from the principle of sustainable quality and quality,
  • To create a safe environment for our employees by providing a healthy and safe working environment,
  • Accepting our employees as our true values ​​and family, investing in them, ensuring their development through education, and ensuring that they participate in our improvement activities personally,
  • To realize continuous improvement by measuring customer satisfaction and the effects we give to the environment,
  • To do all our work in accordance with our laws, international agreements, quality, environment and food legislation,
  • To prevent pollution of our environment by using our natural resources effectively,
  • To minimize all possible hygiene risks in our production for the health of our customers and employees,
  • Ensuring the conscious use of our natural resources and saving raw material resources by ensuring the recycling of usable wastes and the proper disposal of hazardous wastes,
  • To ensure waste management by minimizing the damage we give to the environment,
  • In order to create a society that is sensitive to our environment, we are committed to providing common benefits to our region by cooperating with local governments and environmental protection organizations.